What do 6 and a half hours of usable light and a Ford Capri Mark II have in common?
Answer: A short film called Tyre Kickers. Shot on 2nd and 3rd of January 2020 on location in Spiddal, Galway. Directed by Danny McCafferty.
It was a great start to the year; getting a project out before the glutinous glow of Christmas had faded. The main challenge on this shoot was setting up the car rig and poor-man's process trailer. (see pictures below) The second challenge was getting everything shot with such limited daylight hours available, as most of the film takes places in exterior locations.
We had a great crew, most of whom where from Ros Na Rún and thus the action was called in as Gaeilge(in Irish) I was moderately confused at first and had to ask Danny what each word meant! I wish I could speak Irish. It was great to hear the crew talking away, as fluent as a cloud.
The film made it into Galway, as part of The Irish Talents: New Shorts One: Fiction, but unfortunately for us and everyone who entered and got in this year, it didn't screen in-front of a real life walking and talking audience, it streamed online, the next best alternative. I hope festivals return to normality soon, amongst other things!
We shot on Blackmagic Ursa Mini 4.6k paired with Sigma Art Zooms. (I can't wait till this changes to Cooke Anamorphic!)
I think my blogs are getting shorter, perhaps it's a reflection of the daylight, as we move away from the summer months.
Below are some BTS stills followed by some frame grabs!

The crew battling the harsh Connemara elements and me doing something grabby with my hand? Framing up with cast member Dónall O HéalaÃ, I'd imagine.

Like penguins under a rainbow! Left to right: Director, Danny McAfferty.
Sound, Niall Clarke. DP, Myself. Script Supervisor: Andrew Higgins(Back to camera)
David Murray(playing Dad) (behind Andrew) 1st AD, Sinead O'Toole. & last but not least
Dónall O Héalaà (playing Barry) (Photo by https://www.instagram.com/emjcamera/)

Cast members(from left to right) David Murray & Dónall O Héalaà share lunch in the scene. Someone let me behind the camera, again!
(Photo by https://www.instagram.com/emjcamera/)

Got a truck load of grip and lighting from Ros na Rún and so, I don't know(or can't remember) what diffusion this was. It might have been two 4x4 1/2 grid cloths. Hmmm. It was harsh January sun coming in anyway.

The resulting shot can be seen further down.
(Photo by https://www.instagram.com/emjcamera/)

Danny reviewing the angle and me freaking out, having set the rig up myself. It held!
(Photo by https://www.instagram.com/emjcamera/)

Poor-person's(it's 2020 folks) car rig.

Underneath said rig. (Thanks to Film Equipment Hire for supplying the rig) https://www.filmequipmenthire.com/

One of the final scenes we shot and also of the short.
(Photo by https://www.instagram.com/emjcamera/)

Above, actor, Fionnuala Flaherty, who plays Marie.
